
Disclaimer for LogosRated.net

Welcome to https://logosrated.net, a simple image gallery where you can explore and view images with descriptions in various languages. Please note the following important information:

  • This website is purely a gallery of images. We do not collect any personal data, and there is no user registration available on the site.
  • The only third-party services we use are Google Analytics for analyzing traffic and Google AdSense for displaying ads. No other plugins or additional software are installed.
  • All content on the site is freely available, and the site does not sell any products or services. The website is entirely free to use and generates revenue solely through ad displays provided by Google AdSense.
  • The website is powered by a standard WordPress installation without any additional plugins. The only extra tools installed are Google Analytics and Google AdSense.
  • Images available on the site can be downloaded and shared by users, but users are responsible for verifying the copyright status of any images they use or share. We do not claim ownership of the images and encourage users to ensure compliance with applicable copyright laws.
  • For more information about how we handle data, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

By using this website, you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this disclaimer. For any further details, please visit our Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Terms of Service pages.